A   B   C       E   F   G   H   I   J   K     M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W  NEW LISTING

Updated 02/06/2024


Note that this information has been extracted from the publisher's website at the date last visited.
Please ensure that you refer to the original page for complete and up-to date information


ALWAYS read the submission guidelines carefully. There is no standard format so make sure you follow the publisher's requirements carefully. You want them to like your submission, not get annoyed.


Some publishers require you to contact them before you send in a full manuscript.


I haven't included publishers that only accept via a literary agent. 


Aboriginal History Inc

Last Visited 11/06/2023

Theme: Aboriginal History
- Journal Articles (7000 words preferred but up to 10,000 words may be accepted)
- Book reviews (1,000 words)
- Review Articles (2,000 words)
- Monograph (100,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Aboriginal Studies Press

Last Visited 11/06/2023
Theme: None
- Scholarly and general works,
- Children's books
- Biographies
- Research Papers
- Monographs
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Affirm Press

Last Visited 11/06/2023
Theme: None
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- Children's books
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: Only accepting submissions on the first Monday of each Month for general list and the first Monday of each quarter for the Kids list
Extra Extra note: Kids list- only accepting submissions in specific categories in 2023


Allen & Unwin
Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: None
Friday pitch for all genres - see website for details
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

Alphabet Soup
Last Visited 01/10/2020
Open to: 12 years and under
Theme: Suitable for children
- Short stories (800 words)
- Poetry
- Plays
- Artwork

- Book reviews
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned

Alternative Law Journal

Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Legal and Social issues
- Articles (3,500 words)
- Briefs (1,000 - 1,500 words)

- Columns
- Law & Culture review (800 words)

- Mentions (100 - 150 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Andromeda Spaceways Magazine

Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Speculative Fiction
- Short Fiction (Subscribers and residents of Australia and New Zealand: 20,000 words. Other submissions: 10,000 words)
- Poetry (2 pages)

- Articles
- Flash Fiction (1,000 words)
- Non-fiction (5,000 words but 3,000 words is preferred)

- Artwork (Samples at 300kb per image)
Fee payable to you:

- Short Fiction: 1c/word with minimum of $20 and maximum of $100
- Poetry: $10
- Flash Fiction: $10
- Non-Fiction: $10
- Artwork: $100 for the cover, $20 for internal piece


Aniko Press
Last Visited 06/12/2020

Theme: Set per issue
- Fiction/Nonfiction (1,500 words)
- Poetry (50 lines)
Fee payable to you: $125


Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Science Fiction & Speculative Fiction with a twist of surprise ending
- Short Stories (500 - 1,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Arena Magazine
Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Social, political and cultural commentary
- Commentary ( 800 - 1,200 words)
- Engaged Essays (2,500 - 4,500 words)
- Review Essays (3,000 - 3,500 words)
Fee payable to you: None

Aster Lit 
Last Visited 04/05/2021

Open to: 5 years or younger

Theme: Issues individually themed (not mandatory)
- Poetry (100 lines)
- Prose (3,000 words)
Fee payable to you: 
StarLit award for top poetry and top prose: $US 100


Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Science fiction, Fantasy & Horror
- Short Story ( 2,000 - 8,000 words)
- Non-fiction (500 - 2,000 words)
- Artwork
Fee payable to you:
- Short Story: $20 - $60 per 1,000 words with a minimum of $20
- Non-fiction: $20 per 1,000 words
- Artwork: $75 for cover art, $25 for black & white story illustrations, $10-$15 for graphics


Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal
Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: None
- Research Articles (10,000 - words but 5,000-6,000 is preferred)
- Research reports (3,000 words)
- Book Reviews (1,500 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned

Australian Academic Press

Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Behavioural Sciences
- Books
- Programs
- Conference Proceedings
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

Australian Journal of Early Childhood

Last Visited 01/10/2020
Theme: Early Childhood
- Articles (6,500 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned





Black Inc. Publishing

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- General Non-fiction (History, Current Affairs, Biography and Memoir)
- Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

Brow Books

Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: Strong support for people who identify as queer and/or trans and/or intersex and/or are of any colour, religion, or gender, and/or have a disability


Bushfire Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Youth Arts Education
- Music and performing arts resources
Fee payable to you: Per Contract






Cambridge University Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Academic
- Education
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Speculative Fiction
- Anthologies as projects are announced
Fee payable to you: Per project


Celapene Press

Last Visited 11/06/2023

Theme: Children's books
- Chapter books
- Junior novels
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra note: Not currently accepting submissions as publishing schedule is booked to 2023


Cohesion Press  NEW LISTING
Last Visited 11/06/2023
Theme: Per anthology guidelines within Military Horror
Accepts: per anthology guidelines
Fee payable to you: On a per word basis, plus anthologies are read by Hollywood creators



Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Poetry
- Essay/Memoir (500 words)
- Stories (1,500 words)
- Artwork
Fee payable to you: None


CopyRight Publishing

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- Children's books
Fee payable to you: Per contract


Cordite Poetry Review

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Anthologies may be themed
- Poetry for Anthologies
- Essays (10,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Payment mentioned but not specified


COSMOS Magazine

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Science
- News stories
- Reviews of books, films, theatre and apps
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned

Curiouser Magazine
Last Visited 31/10/2020

Theme: Weird, speculative, fatastical
- Poetry( 50 lines)
- Flash fiction (750 words)
- Short fiction (5,000 words)
Fee payable to you

- Poetry: $25
- Flash fiction: $50
- Short fiction: $50 - $125


Currency Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Performing arts
- Plays
- Screenplays
- Professional Handbooks
- Histories
- Biographies
- Critical works
- Reference works
Fee payable to you: Per contract





Era Publications

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Primary School Children to lower Secondary (K-9)
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Teacher books
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Eruditions Publishing

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Higher level eduction and professionals
- Textbooks (Eruditions Academic)
- General fiction and non-fiction (Silvan House)
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: Silvan House was not accepting new submissions at time of last visit


Exisle Publishing

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction (but NOT poetry, educational or academic)
Fee payable to you: Per Contract






Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Poetry
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned



Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: In keeping with the frankie personality - smart, funny, friendly, cute, naughty, interested, serious, caring
- Articles
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Fremantle Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Narrative non-fiction
- Poetry
- Books for children and young adults
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned
Extra Note: Welcomes unsolicited manuscripts from authors with Western Australian origin or whose main residence is Western Australia. Works from Non-Western Australian authors will be considered if the subject matter has a strong Western Australian focus


FutureTrack Australia

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme:  Not science fiction or fantasy
- Young Adult fiction (45,000 words)
- English teaching resources
Fee payable to you: Per Contract






Ginninderra Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Matters of social, cultural or political concern looked on favourably
- Non-fiction (100,000 words)
- Fiction (80,000 words)

- Poetry
Fee payable to you: Per contract
Extra Note: Not accepting fiction at time of last visit


Going Down Swinging

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Prose and Poetry (generally around 2,000 words)
Fee payable to you:
- Prose under 500 words: $60
- Prose over 500 words: $170
- Poetry: $100
- Comic less than 5 frames: $180
- Comic longer than 5 frames or demonstrates extensive effort: $220
- Illustration to accompany text (one image): $100
- Illustration to accompany text (multiple images): $200
Extra Note: Regular anthologies as well


Griffith Review

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Issues individually themed
Generally to range between 2,000 to 5,000 words
- Fiction
- Essay
- Memoir
- Reportage
- Poetry
- Interactive Essays
Fee payable to you: Generally based on per word length. Flat fee for those employed by Universities





Hesperian Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Australian focus
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per contract


Hybrid Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Some focus on Jewish themes - NOT speculative/science fiction, children's books or YA
- Non-fiction
- Fiction 

Fee payable to you: Per contract





In Case of Emergency Press

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Po
- Short Stories
- Scripts
- Fiction

Fee payable to you: Per contract
Extra Note: Accepts submissions in March and October

IndigoTeen Magazine NEW LISTING

Created by teenagers for teenagers
Last Visited 04/06/2023
Theme: None
Accepts: Creative work - short stories, essays, novellas, memes, comics, fan fiction, poerty, graphic design, artwork

Fee payable to you: not mentioned


inScribe Journal of Creative Writing NEW LISTING
Last Visited 04/06/2023

Theme: See Website
- Poetry (up to 50 lines) 

- Fiction (up to 3500 words) 

- Non-fiction (up to 3500 words)
Fee payable to you: Contributor copy



James Nicholas Publishers
Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: Education
- Articles (5,000 - 7,000 words)
- Books
Fee payable to you: Per contract




Kill Your Darlings

Last Visited 02/10/2020

Theme: None
- Commentary
- Essays
- Memoir
- Fiction
Fee payable to you: Payment mentioned





Lip Magazine

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Open, feminist focus
- Article
Fee payable to you: None




Magabala Books

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Open to: Work by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators. Collaborative work with non-Indigenous authors considered where there is at least 50% contribution or collaboration with an Indigenous creator

Theme: None
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Mascara Literary Review

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: None

- Poetry (3-5 poems)
- Short Story (3,000 words)
- Flash Fiction (1,000 words)
- Essays (5,000 words)
- Reviews (900 - 1,500 words)
- Translations 
Fee payable to you: Note that payment may alter due to funding reduction
- Poems: $100
- Fiction: $150
- Reviews: $150
- Translations: $100, two poems or prose

Maverick Musicals

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: Able to be performed by students

- Two Act Musicals
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned
Extra Note: Not currently accepting submissions at time of last visit. Publisher recommends contacting them to find out when submissions will be next open


Last Visited 03/10/2020
Subscribe to their e-news to be kept up to date with their submission details

Melbourne Books

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: None

- Non-Fiction
- Fiction
- Poetry
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

Melbourne University Publishing

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: Check the website, there are three imprints

- Non-Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

Mills & Boon

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: Romance

- Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Mona Women's Magazine
Last Visited 02/03/2023
Open to: Women (as self-identified) living or from rural and regional Australia
Theme: Reflecting on how you see life in rural Australia

- personal essays
- interviews
- opinions

- artworks
- photography
- recipes
- reviews
- short stories
- poetry
Fee payable to you: not mentioned





Nature Publishing Group

Last Visited 03/10/2020
Theme: Natural Research/Science

Accepts: There are a large number of imprints housed by this publisher. See the website to check the requirements of each
Fee payable to you: See website


New Frontier Publishing
Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: For young readers
- Picture books (600 words)
- Beginner Readers, aged 5 - 8 (5,000 - 10,000 words)
- Confident Readers, aged 7 - 10 (10,000 - 30,000 words)
- Middle Readers, aged 11 - 14 (30,000 - 50,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: The publisher encourages you to buy a submissions pack

New Holland Publishers

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract





Onya Magazine

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Articles
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned



Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Textural Poetry
- Vispo
- Fiction
- Essays
- Photographs
- Art
- Any combination of the above
- Kinetic/moving pieces accepted under certain conditions
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned





Pademelon Press

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Early Childhood
- Teachers' resource book
- Textbook
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Palgrave Macmillan

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Business, Economics, Humanities, Politics, International Studies, Social Science
- Books
- Articles
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Panterra Press

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: See website
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Papyrus Publishing

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
Fee payable BY you for manuscripts: $100 reading fee for poetry, $150 reading fee for novels, $155 for submission in person (partly refunded if successful)

- Novels
- Poetry collections
- Poetry (100 lines)

- Reviews (1,800 words)
- Short Stories (3,000 words)
- Articles (2,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned for manuscripts, free copy for magazines


Pascal Press

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Education
- Educational books
- Teachers Resources
- Guides
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Penguin Random House Australia

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: Only submit in the first week of each month


Peril Magazine

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Asian Australian arts and culture PLUS edition may be themed
- Any kind of text, sound or visual art as long as it can be presented online
Fee payable to you: Averages $50 - $150



Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Teaching literacy and English
- Teacher reference materials
- PEETA Papers (3,500 words)
- Articles (500 words)
Fee payable to you: Per contract



Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Poetry collection (about 40 pages)
Fee payable to you: Per contract
Extra Note: Publisher indicates prefence for authors who have purchased a chapbook from them






Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Open
- Articles (1,500 - 5,000 words)
- Review (800 - 2,000 words)
- Stories (1,500 - 5,000 words)
- Poetry 
Fee payable to you: Payment made






Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Issues individually themed
- Non-fiction poetry 
Fee payable to you: Payment made


Reader's Digest

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Sections themed
- My Story (800 - 1,000 words)
- Kindness of Strangers (100 - 500 words)
- Anecdotes and Jokes (300 words)
- Your Deepest Wish
- Smart Animals (300 words) 
Fee payable to you:
- My Story: $500
- Kindness of Strangers: Up to $150
- Anecdotes and Jokes: $50 - $100
- Your Deepest Wish: Up to $200
- Smart Animals: Up to $100


Rhiza Press & Rhiza Edge

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Young Adult Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract

R.I.C. Publications

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Education
- Teaching resources
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Rockpool Publishing

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Mind Body Spirit, Health and Wellness, Self-Help & Gift titles
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract






Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction
- Literary Fiction 
Fee payable to you: Per Contract
Extra Note: Limited submission windows


Severed Press

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Horror and science fiction: Particular themes on website
- Fiction 
Fee payable to you: Per Contract


Sid Harta Publishers

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Fiction 
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract or on a co-publishing arrangement
Extra Note: Assessment fees apply

Social Alternatives

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Social issues and problems
- Articles (3,000 - 5,000 words)
- Commentaries and review essays (800 - 1,500 words)
- Short stories (1,000 words)

- Poetry

- Book reviews (800 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned

Stereo Stories

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Songs
- Memoirs (800 words)
- Non-fiction (800 words)
- Short stories (800 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Strong & Bold Publishing

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: None
- Australian Poetry
- Children's stories

- Environment
- Fiction
- Local History
- Memoirs
- Self Improvement
- Technical
Fee payable to you: Per contract



Last Visited 03/10/2020

Open To: Students enrolled in postgraduate studies
Theme: Issues are themed but submissions outside the theme will be accepted unles the them is stated to be compulsory
- Poetry (3 poems)
- Short Fiction (5,000 words)
- Creative Non-Fiction (5,000 words)

- Memoirs (5,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Sydney University Press

Last Visited 03/10/2020

Theme: Areas of research of interest to the Australian and Global Community
- Non-Fiction
Fee payable to you: Per Contract






Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
- Short Stories (2,000 words)
- Poetry (2,000 words)
- Articles (2,000 words)
- Biographies (2,000 words)
- Autobiographies (2,000 words)
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


Text Publishing

Theme: None
- Ficton
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned


The Big Issue

Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
- One page feature story (850 words)
- Two page feature story (1,200 words)
- Three page feature story (1,500 - 1,800 words)

- Four page feature story (1,800 - 2,000 words)
- The Big Picture (450 - 500 words)
- My Word (750 words)
- Streetsheet - poetry (150 words)
- Streetsheet - prose (250 words)
Fee payable to you: 20c a word

The Federation Press

Last Visited 04/10/2020
Theme: Legal, social and academic
- Books
Fee payable to you: Per contract


The Lifted Brow

Last Visited 04/10/2020
Theme: None
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- Articles
- Poetry
- Flash Fiction
- Artwork
- Commentary
- Reviews
Fee payable to you: $75 - $300


The Literary Yard

Last Visited 04/10/2020
Theme: None
- Stories
- Poetry
- Articles
- Essays
Fee payable to you: None


Ticonderoga Publications

Last Visited 04/10/2020
Theme: Science fiction, Fantasy and horror. Anthologies may have specific themes
- Novels
- Submissions to anthologies
Fee payable to you: Per contract
Extra note: At time of last visit was closed to submissions due to unforeseen circumstances


Transit Lounge

Last Visited 04/10/2020
Theme: Particular interest in exploring the relationships between East and West
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
Fee payable to you: Not mentioned
Extra note: At time of last visit was closed to submissions





University of Queenland Press

Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
- Non-fiction
- Literary fiction
Fee payable to you: Per contract
Extra Note: Childrens', Young Adult and Poetry lists closed for submission at time of last visit



Last Visited 04/10/2020

Open to: New and emerging writers
Theme: None
- Short stories (300 - 5,000 words)
Fee payable to you
- Stories (300 - 2,500 words): $50
- Stories (2,501 - 5,000 words): $100





Verity La

Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
Accepts: Note there is no word limit but generally 5,000 words works well
- Creative Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Interview
- Travel
- Novel excerpts
- Check website
Fee payable to you: $100 (except Novel excerpts)



Open to: People under 25
Theme: Each Issue individually themed
- Non-fiction (3,000 words)
- Fiction (3,000 words)
- Poetry (100 lines)
- Art & Comics 
Fee payable to you:
- Written work and art: $100
- Multi-page comics or suites of art: $150




Last Visited 02/06/2024

Theme: Wit, Humour, Puns, Absurdity, Irony
Accepts: 200 - 1,000 words
- Poetry
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
Fee payable to you: 3 Monthly prizes


Wombat Books

Last Visited 04/10/2020

Theme: None
- Picture books
- Childrens' books
Fee payable to you: Per contract


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